Kick-Boost is the N°1 exclusive content agency in Switzerland!

Marketing and platform management at the highest level

We provide account management services with discretion, loyalty and trust for unimaginable success.

+ 0 m
new users
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+ 0 m
of sales in 2022
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gain 33% in sales
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We want your success

We build your exceptional careers on OnlyFans & Mym

Our values


We foster the strongest and most equitable cooperation when working with our models.

By working with Kick-Boost, you will be able to establish a real connection with a team of professionals, who will listen to you and provide you with all the resources and ideas you need to develop your OnlyFans/MYM adventure.


No matter where you come from or if you've already been successful, we can help you become more successful and find your perfect niche.

We'll bring our expertise and help you achieve success while respecting your values, desires and limitations


Creating content for platforms like OnlyFans or MYM can be a little scary.

Our anonymization process will guarantee your identity to ensure stress-free content production.

It's hard to get a place!

Exclusive content is a competitive market and models face many challenges.

La réussite n'est pas si simple quand on est seule
Lots of competition
5 million creators are courting a handful of fans. With our method, you can generate several thousand followers every day. We'll show you the pitfalls and how to avoid them.
No strategy
Many creators don't have a strategy, they produce content, but it doesn't work and they don't make money. For that, you need a plan. We put them in place for you!
Not enough time
Followers regularly expect content from you as a content creator. We show you how you can best organize this!
No content idea
Many models don't have ideas or a team to help them create content for TikTok, Instagram, OnlyFans & MYM. We regularly analyze current trends and show you the way to new ideas.
Lost of motivation
Getting started on platforms is easy. But long-term success doesn't come alone. Your own Talent Manager regularly motivates and supports you. With us, you are never alone.
24/7 revenue
With us, you can earn money 24/7 without being active on OnlyFans & MYM all the time. You don't have to check your account every 5 minutes, you can relax and watch the money come in all the time.
Content creation
We help you produce content. With our team and our many years of experience in marketing and business management, we ensure tremendous growth and constant popularity for you and your creativity.
Never walk alone
You are part of the Kick-Boost family! You are in close contact with us and can talk to us at any time. We believe in you and your work, which is great and motivates us all. We want to work with you!
Analysis of the market
Keeping track of the entire market and emerging trends is very difficult for one person. With our teams, we can analyze specific trends and put in place fully operational strategies in the background, which we implement with your content.

We automatically react to your customers' response and your channel grows faster than with any other agency.

Why do successful models need an agency?

We provide you with important support so that you can reach your goals and dreams faster.

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Become financially free today!

Ebook Kick Boost - Comment faire de l'argent avec vos photos sexy
Download our Guide


How to make money with your sexy pictures!

Contents of the guide : 

Ebook Kick Boost - Comment faire de l'argent avec vos photos sexy
Download our Guide


How to make money with your sexy pictures!

Contents of the guide :